We’d like to thank everyone who helped us put together this project. No one person could have ever undertaken the effort to get this project to the state it is than everyone who has contributed, from the drive-by contributor who contributed a typo correction to the README to the Weblate translators to the contributor who contributed a native importer and exporter for their multimedia format. Your contributions, no matter their size, are invaluable.
We’d also like to thank the packagers and maintainers of the libraries we use. Without these libraries, some features of Tenacity would simply not be possible. We are also aiming to send contributions up your way to help out, so we hope to see you soon!
Finally, we also want to take the time to thank previous Audacity contributors, some of whom are still contributing to Audacity to this day. After all, they were the ones that helped Audacity establish its reputation for decades. Of course, the controversy over Audacity’s current owners that erupted in 2021 are another topic (you can see our Motivation page for more information), but we welcome any Audacity contributor, past or present, to come and contribute to Tenacity should you choose.
We also want to acknowledge the Audacity manual as being a source of information for our manual too. It has helped us out in documenting the various parts of Tenacity and will continue to help us out in further documentation.
Gale Andrews¶
Gale Andrews was a significant Audacity contributor, and we’d like to share a bit about them here. To be clear, they were never affiliated with our project, but we also would like to preserve their legacy here too.
The following below is taken from the Audacity manual, which is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. It is unmodified and is presented as is below:
Gale joined the Audacity Team in 2007, was a graduate in Economics, and advised us on support and documentation issues. He previously worked in survey research for one of the UK’s now disbanded Industrial Training Boards, then ran a secondhand classical LP record business for some twenty years. Gale started using Audacity back in 2005 for transferring vinyl records to computer, and generally editing his collection of digital audio files.
In memoriam¶
It is with a heavy heart and much sadness that I have to report the death of Gale Andrews.
Gale was admitted to hospital on the 23rd of July 2017 after a long and uncomfortable and often painful illness. He died in hospital some days later on 10th August 2017.
As noted above, Gale had worked on and with Audacity for twelve years and had been a member of the Audacity Team for ten of those. He had been a diligent worker providing much help and assistance on the Forum and through feedback@ - solving technical issues for many users over the years (including myself when I was struggling to get my own vinyl conversion project up and running and my USB turntable working properly with Audacity).
Gale also contributed massively to the Manual and helped shape its current quality. He also as part of quality assurance did a lot of bug testing and bug reporting over the years contributing thereby to the quality of the Audacity application that we have today.
He was an Audacity stalwart and a hard worker - he continued to work many hours even during the latter stages of his sickness. The last messages on email that we, on Team, have from him were written on his laptop from his hospital bed in the early few days of his hospital stay.
He will be much-missed on Audacity - and indeed already is. Fortunately other Team members have stepped up to carry on with the various tasks that Gale formerly undertook.
R.I.P. Gale Andrews - died 10th August 2017
Another memory¶
In December 2017 - we got a post on google+ from someone called “Stuart”
I know this is oldish news but I knew Gale in the early 90s from various dealings I had with him as we were both LP dealers. I last saw him in 1996 and was last in touch with him in 2003. He was probably the top classical LP dealer of those times and lived in a terraced house in Watford - there was virtually nowhere to sit down as his house was stacked 6 feet high with LPs. No kidding. I estimate his LP stock must have been worth £200K. His knowledge on classical LPs was unrivalled and I often consulted with him. Yes he did live a reclusive lifestyle - did not drive - moved around on the train and carried bought LPs in old carrier bags. He had the appearance, dare I say, of a tramp - but was well spoken and very cultured in the arts. He was not a man of any humour and generally stuck to business. I had no idea he was working with Audacity and am left curious as to what happened to his phenomenal LP collection. I do hope he managed to sell when he realised he was ill. He probably was 60 when he died. I am anyway very sad to hear that he passed away and hope this post will shed some light on the man.
Peter Sampson - Audacity Team member 25Aug17